Family guy season 15 episode 19
Family guy season 15 episode 19

family guy season 15 episode 19

  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Chris ends up giving Lois the idea to stage a rescue by triggering a barista's peanut allergy.
  • family guy season 15 episode 19

    Twitchy Eye: Lois gets one of these when she is once again passed over as 'Customer of the Week'.The guy is offended that she thinks being gay means he has to 'present' as gay. Straight Gay: Lois is surprised to find out that the barista whose apartment she broke into was gay, since he didn't look, speak or act gay.Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: For all the stunts she's pulled to become customer of the week, Lois gets herself arrested.By the end of the episode, her attempts to win the award have led her to commit criminal acts. Serious Business: Lois really takes the customer of the week award far more seriously than she should, such as crying in the bathroom when she isn't chosen.When that spirals out of control, Lois goes to further extremes to hide the proof of her crimes.

    family guy season 15 episode 19

    Sanity Slippage: Lois grows steadily unhinged the more determined she is to become "Best Customer," up to instigating an allergic reaction in a barista so she can save her life.When her previous attempts get her nowhere, she resorts to other actions that eventually land her in prison with a 6-month prison sentence. Protagonist Journey to Villain: Lois just wanted to feel appreciated by her family and wants to be validated by being awarded as "Customer of the Week".Leitmotif: "Seven Notes in Black" plays periodically throughout the episode to symbolize Lois's worsening grasp on her sanity as she tries to win "Customer of the Week".Noodle Incident: How Peter was banned from a restaurant isn't revealed.Know When to Fold 'Em: By the time all of Lois's underhanded actions get exposed, she's calmly washing dishes as multiple police cars make their way to the Griffin home.Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: After serving six months in prison, Lois still tries to win "Best Customer" at another coffee shop, clearly not regretting her crimes throughout the episode.Idiot Ball: Lois does not bother to check her surroundings for witnesses nor cover her face or change her clothes before she tampers with the female barista's car a camera was set up in the parking lot and the male barista checking the footage instantly recognizes her.I Just Want to Be Special: Lois is desperate to win "Customer of the Week" because she works hard for her family and they seldom show her any sort of respect and it has given her a huge need for validation.which also has a "Customer of the Week" board. Here We Go Again!: By the end of the episode, Lois has served six months in prison, and on her first day out she heads into a coffee shop.Gosh Dang It to Heck!: After her Engineered Heroics goes more and more wrong, rather than swear, Lois repeatedly says, "Oh, shaving cream.".Lois is confused that they can live together without it being a relationship. Their comfortable enough with each other that they can complement each other without any tension between them. Gay Best Friend: The barista Lois ties up is gay, his friend with who he shares an apartment is straight.

    Family guy season 15 episode 19